Exhibition dates: 27th February 27th – 28th March, 2015
Curators: Helen Frajman and Linsey Gosper
For those of you that remember The Venue, St Kilda and Razor Club, this posting is for you.
This is a FAB exhibition of the life and times of Nick Cave, Roland S Howard, Genevieve McGuckin, Polly Borland, The Boys Next Door, The Birthday Party et al. Peter Milne… the photographs are fantastic, perfectly capturing the spirit, youth and electricity of the times. My god, everyone is so young, so skinny and Roland is SO androgynous in quite a few of the photos – all eyeliner and come to bed eyes.
Although I never mixed in these circles I occasionally went to The Venue, but Razor was definitely the place to be. One enduring memory was of me, totally off my face on a big party night, climbing up past the ladies loo using the gutter down pipes up to the first floor balcony and clambering over, so that I could go and get someone from management to let us all in.
The hang of the exhibition is perfect. In a flow of images, here is Peter Milne at 17 sitting on a couch with Roland S Howard reading Playboy; Polly Borland at home with a broken, unlit fag hanging from her mouth; and the most beautiful, colour photograph of Nick Cave and Rowland S Howard after Birthday Party gig (1982, below) with arms around each, Nick planting a kiss on the dapper Roland, flocked wallpaper behind. Youth, innocence, life, love, beauty and nostalgia all rolled into one. Gen (Genevieve McGuckin), long-time partner of Roland, has been a friend of mine for years and so it is wonderful to see photographs of her in her youth, as vivacious and as delightful now as then.
I loved every second of this exhibition. The creativity of the people, the vibrancy of the ad hoc poses and the sheer joy of living the life – coupled with the magic of the insightful, intuitive images – make this a must see exhibition. If you do anything in Melbourne this coming week, go see this show (ends Saturday, 28th March).
Dr Marcus Bunyan
Many thankx to Strange Neighbour and Peter Milne for allowing me to publish the photographs in the posting. Please click on the photographs for a larger version of the image. All images courtesy of the artist and M.33. Download the Juvenilia web essay (2.7Mb pdf)
“Juvenilia brings together for the first time 100 astonishing photographs of friends and family taken by renowned Victorian artist Peter Milne when he was a very young man. Warm, intimate, surprising and already displaying the great compositional skills, originality and humour for which Milne is known, these images offer an unprecedented peep into mid 1970s to mid 1980s Melbourne and a milieu of people who would go on to play pivotal roles in Melbourne’s burgeoning cultural scene.
Starting in 1976 when Milne was 16 and photographing school friends Gina Riley and Rowland S Howard, through to images of the legendary band, the Boys Next Door lounging in Nick Cave’s bedroom in his parents’ house, the first Boys Next Door gig and photo shoot, parties, trips to the country, outings to the beach, rehearsals and a full length photo essay tracing A Day in the Life of Rowland S Howard, the photographs feature a dazzling cast including Anita Lane, Blixa Bargeld, Tony Clark, Polly Borland and Mick Harvey as well as Milne’s less famous but equally interesting friends and family.
Peter Milne is based in Castlemaine. He has exhibited extensively around Australia and internationally. He has had three monographs of his work published: When Nature Forgets (M.33, Melbourne, 2013), Beautiful Lies – Notes Towards a History of Australia (QCP, Brisbane, 2011) and Fish in a Barrel – Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds on Tour (Tender Prey, London, 1993). He is represented by M.33, Melbourne.”
Text from the Strange Neighbour website
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Installation photographs of the exhibition Juvenilia at Strange Neighbour, Melbourne
Photography: Alex Bell Moffat
“I was initially quite dubious when curators Linsey Gosper and Helen Frajman approached me about exhibiting this work because it is so obviously the product of a callow youth (the earliest images on show here were shot when I was 16 years old, soon after the dismissal of the Whitlam government in the mid 1970s).
I was placated by the argument that the work had some kind of historical value that negated my concerns about poor technique and the visible signs of decay in an archive that has been poorly stored for the last four decades but I still felt uncomfortable. I think my key anxiety was the possibility that I would come across like one of those figures we’ve seen in numerous, recent documentaries about the Punk days in Melbourne – fat, balding, middle-aged individuals banging on about how amazing they were when 18 years old. As a fat, balding, middle-aged artist (with visible signs of decay) I try to be more focused on my next body of work than I am on images I produced so very, very long ago.
However, having pulled the negatives and slides out of their dusty boxes, I now see some merit in them. I am immediately struck by the evidence that I really did hang out with some lovely, clever people who went on to fulfil much of the creative potential that they so clearly promised.
I cannot say that life in Melbourne in the late 1970s and early 1980s was bliss (because the city had some meagre, stale and forbidding ways) but it was a time and a place where I found myself in the company of a cohort with great inventive energy and all the joyous arrogance of youth.
Looking at these images now, I see that my friends and family were every bit as beautiful as I remember them.”
Peter Milne
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Peter Milne
Untitled (Peter Milne and Rowland S Howard)
From the series A Day in the Life of Rowland S Howard 1977
Digital photograph
© Peter Milne
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Peter Milne
Untitled (Rowland S Howard)
From the series A Day in the Life of Rowland S Howard 1977
Digital photograph
© Peter Milne
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Peter Milne
Untitled (Rowland S Howard)
From the series A Day in the Life of Rowland S Howard 1977
Digital photograph
© Peter Milne
Rowland S. Howard – A Short Biography
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Peter Milne
Untitled (Rowland S Howard)
From the series A Day in the Life of Rowland S Howard 1977
Digital photograph
© Peter Milne
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Peter Milne
Untitled (Rowland S Howard)
From the series A Day in the Life of Rowland S Howard 1977
Digital photograph
© Peter Milne
“Christmas holidays 1977…
My friends and I were in our mid-teens and we’d heard about the coming of Australian punk: the Saints in Brisbane and Radio Birdman in Sydney. We’d been to a few gigs at Burnhearts, a gay venue housed in the old ‘Thumping Tum’ that had given up its Tuesday nights to punk. We’d seen Fiction, the Negatives and News there. Punk had exploded across the world, not that you’d know it in Melbourne unless you were one of the few hundred weirdo kids who listened to the new Community Radio station 3RMT FM.
Every form of popular music culture was about something from outside of Australia, untouchable and inaccessible to us. On the other hand, punk was raw and exciting, friends who could strum a few chords had started picking up guitars and all of a sudden, some of us were playing something that resembled music, sure it was dumb and clumsy but it was also empowering and exhilarating.
There was a girl at my high school, Jenny Shannon. Jenny had been telling me and my mates of when her good friend Anita Lane had taken her to see the coolest punk band in Melbourne, so we had to check them out, but each attempt was thwarted with false gig listings and cancellations. Finally, we heard of a gig in Footscray Gardens where Suicide Records were promoting the release of their ‘Lethal Weapons’ compilation LP with a free open air punk gig. We rolled across to Footscray on a beautiful sunny day with the occasional sun shower. In the old red rattler, we were amongst about 50 curious, pimply kids with our hair becoming shorter as our conviction for this new thing grew.
On this particular day punk bands played, loud, distorted music with no frills and minimal production. The Boys Next Door, a tall skinny gang of guys in black, stove pipe pants, long black duffel coats, high collars turned up and mean, superior stares saunter in. “Rowlands here” Jenny whispers “He’s not a member of the band he’s just a friend of Nicks.” Who’s Rowland? Who’s Nick I’m wondering? “We’re the Boys Next Door” one of them spits. With that, the sky suddenly opens and people run for the cover of the trees.
The promoter jumps onto the mic and announces that due to rain they won’t play. There’s a round of booing from 50 people who wanna witness the spectacle of some real punk bands like animals in a zoo. The tall skinny guy grabs the mic, “We’re not fucking playing!” “That’s Nick” says Jenny…more boos… “Fuck off” says skinny guy, so we’ve seen them now, they seem like real assholes and I can’t wait to actually hear ‘em live. As we walk back to the station in the drizzle I’ve got Dum Dum Boys by Iggy Pop ringing in my head…
“The first time I saw the dum dum boys I was fascinated”
I didn’t get to catch the Boys Next Door properly until a few months later at the VCA, it was Rowlands 1st gig as the new member of the band…
“I was most impressed. No one else was impressed… they looked as if they put the whole world… down”
This era was exhilaration, bright, skinny, sharp, obnoxious vitality, compelling handsome boys with eyeliner, well-spoken brats with beautiful intelligent sharp witted girls hanging off their arms, the birth of a movement in popular culture that had come to kick the ass of everything that had come before it, to burn brightly and then splinter off into a million shiny pieces. Peter Milne was there at its birth, captured the first sparks of this Super Nova going off. Fortunately he was the only kid around at the time with a good camera who actually knew how to use it to recognize a bunch of ascending stars and shoot those “Fish in a Barrel.”
Quincy McLean
The Birthday Party
Nick The Stripper
Band Location: Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Track: Nick The Stripper
Album: Prayers On Fire
Composed By: Nick Cave
Produced by: Tony Cohen & The Birthday Party
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Peter Milne
Anita Lane and Nick Cave, The Venue, St Kilda
Digital photograph
© Peter Milne
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Peter Milne
Anita Lane at a party
mid 1980s
Digital photograph
© Peter Milne
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Peter Milne
Boys Next Door first photo session after Rowland joined. Nick’s bedroom, Caulfield
c. 1978
Digital photograph
© Peter Milne
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Peter Milne
George and Troy
Digital photograph
© Peter Milne
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Peter Milne
Janet Austin and Katy Becle
Digital photograph
© Peter Milne
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Peter Milne
Polly Borland at home
early 1980s
Digital photograph
© Peter Milne
The Birthday Party
Deep in the Woods
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Peter Milne
Rowland S. Howard, Gina Riley, Simon McLean. TATROC gig, Greville Street, 1976
Digital photograph
© Peter Milne
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Peter Milne
Rowland S. Howard and Genevieve McGuckin, St Kilda rooftop
Digital photograph
© Peter Milne
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Peter Milne
Nick Cave and Rowland S Howard after Birthday Party gig, Melbourne
Digital photograph
© Peter Milne
Strange Neighbour
395 Gore St, Fitzroy
Victoria Australia 3065
T: +61 3 9041 8727
Opening hours:
Wednesday – Saturday, 11am – 6pm
Filed under: Australian artist, beauty, black and white photography, colour photography, documentary photography, exhibition, existence, gallery website, intimacy, light, Melbourne, memory, photographic series, photography, portrait, psychological, quotation, reality, space, street photography, time, works on paper Tagged: A Day in the Life of Rowland S Howard, Anita Lane and Nick Cave, Anita Lane at a party, Australian artist, Australian music scene, Australian photographer, Australian photography, Australian punk, Birthday Party, Boys Next Door, Boys Next Door first photo session after Rowland joined, Genevieve McGuckin, Janet Austin and Katy Becle, Juvenilia, Melbourne culture, Melbourne gig scene, Melbourne punk music, Nick Cave, Nick Cave and Rowland S Howard, Nick Cave and Rowland S Howard after Birthday Party gig, Nick Cave Birthday Party, Peter Milne, Peter Milne A Day in the Life of Rowland S Howard, Peter Milne and Rowland S Howard, Peter Milne Anita Lane and Nick Cave, Peter Milne Anita Lane at a party, Peter Milne Boys Next Door first photo session after Rowland joined, Peter Milne George and Troy, Peter Milne Janet Austin and Katy Becle, Peter Milne Juvenilia, Peter Milne Nick Cave and Rowland S Howard, Peter Milne Nick Cave and Rowland S Howard after Birthday Party gig, Peter Milne Polly Borland at home, Peter Milne Rowland S Howard, Peter Milne Rowland S. Howard and Genevieve McGuckin, Polly Borland, Polly Borland at home, Razor Club, Rowland S Howard, Rowland S. Howard and Genevieve McGuckin, St Kilda, The Venue, The Venue St Kilda Image may be NSFW.
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